Acne Health & Wellness

Acne Marks: 4 Main Types of Hyperpigmentation – Skin Scarring and Discoloration

There are 4 main types of skin discoloration that can appear on the skin after acne occurs and has healed:

Dark-Colored Hyperpigmentation – Brown Or Black Scar Marks

When someone has a lot of melanin in their skin, it can cause the skin that gets damaged from acne, bacteria, infections, or trauma to turn dark in color. Melanin is what allows the skin to tan; it is a dark black or brown pigment that not only affects the color of damaged skin, but also decides your eye and hair color.

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Pink Or Red Scar Marks

After a breakout, pink or red spots may appear on your skin. These red or pink spots are a form of hyperpigmentation. Red hyperpigmentation is also called hypertrophic scarring. This is caused by too much collagen. This occurs to help the skin heal itself after damage. 


White Scar Marks

Like the other scar types mentioned above, these scars can occur due to damage to the skin from acne, bacteria, or trauma. However, these are a little different from the scars mentioned above because they lead to a loss of pigment in the skin. Whereas, the scars mentioned above tend to be the result of excess protein collagen, an overgrowth of skin tissue, or the  presence of melanin in the skin.

White scar tissue should be checked and taken seriously because different things, some which are quite serious, can cause white skin discoloration, including a mold fungal yeast infection called tinea or pityriasis versicolor, as well as vitiligo, which is associated with an infection of Demodex mites.

“The concept of immunocompromised cutaneous district suggests that different types of skin injuries can render the affected areas vulnerable to subsequent opportunistic infections, tumors, and immune reactions. Herein a 44-year-old woman with facial vitiligo associated with pityriasis folliculorum, a type of demodicosis, is reported. The right cheek with a large patch of vitiligo showed clinical, dermoscopic and microscopic evidents of demodicosis, while the other facial areas without vitiligo were devoid of Demodex mites. This case is another example of immunocompromised cutaneous district” (Mansur, A. (2018). Pityriasis folliculorum colocalized with vitiligo: An ityriasis folliculorum colocalized with vitiligo: An example of immunocompromised cutaneous district. Our Dermatology Online). 

(2022, August 19). Aerosol burn. Wikipedia. 

Keloid Scars

Rodger, M. (2011, June 26). File:Keloid.jpg. Wikimedia Commons.

Keloid scars are very noticeable because they are thick, raised, and tend to have a darker appearance than the rest of the skin. Keloid scars are quite unattractive, and people who have them tend to be bothered by them greatly. These types of scars should also be taken seriously and checked because they can be caused by serious bacteria, the same bacteria that is associated with cancer and tuberculosis: Mycobacterium.

“A 60-year-old man was referred to us with complaint of painless ulcer of 2 years duration. The ulcer was over a keloid…the patient developed a papule which ulcerated later on. The ulcer was not healing completely even after antibiotic therapy. Examination revealed the presence of multiple keloids over chest, with one over presternal area showing an ulcer…Thus, a diagnosis of mycobacterial infection in keloid was made” (Singh A, Ambujam S, Kumar S, Devi SU. Mycobacteria in keloid. Lung India. 2011 Oct;28(4):320-1. doi: 10.4103/0970-2113.85749. PMID: 22084557; PMCID: PMC3213730). 


The important thing to remember is that exposure to the sun can darken acne scars, so sunning should be avoided while skin is healing. Acne scars should also always be treated the same as bacterial infections because some serious bacteria can cause them, bacteria that can be very harmful for you over time. Molds/yeast, mite infections, and bacteria associated with TB and cancers can cause skin discoloration, so make sure that you protect your skin after a breakout, and treat it with antibacterial, natural products like Barbara Frank’s Natural Herbal Lotion and Rose Beautifying Cream throughout the entire healing process, from wound healing through scar fading. 

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DL's Health & Beauty

Enter the realm of health, wellness, beauty, makeup, and fashion. The world is full of so many different forms of beauty. Every culture has its own unique beauty, but one thing that all of them have in common is that healthy is always beautiful. But health is not constant or instant in life. Health is part of the life journey that we are all on until our time is up.

We all have a unique health journey. My health journey started in college when I studied human health and disease at The University of The District of Columbia. Later, I studied health and psychology at The University of Maryland University College. After college, I continued following medical breakthroughs around the world, from India to the UK. I soon realized that there was so much health knowledge out there, but so few people had access to it. Thus, I turned to writing. My goal is to share valuable health breakthroughs with the world and connect health to beauty and multiculturalism; that is how this site came to life.

Wherever you are in your health and wellness journey, there is always more to learn and there is beauty to be found everywhere in various forms. So, let's walk this path together and discover fully what the realm of health and beauty has to offer!

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