Health & Wellness

Bugs Insects You Take Home With You That Carry On The Wind – Creatures You Never Thought Could Fly That Bite

We live in a world where we must go out often for daily living. The air feels wonderful on our skin, especially during the summer and spring, but the wind is invisible, and just as the wind is invisible, so are many of the bugs that can carry on the wind. Today, we will teach you about some of the creatures that travel on the wind that can cause us harm, bite us, and cause unpleasant skin conditions and changes.

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Mites and Small Insects

Mites are very small insects that we often can’t see with our eyes alone. We usually will need a microscope to see them due to their small size and light weight; this also makes it is easy for them to be carried along with the wind. People will often find small crawling insects on their clothing and even on their skin and in their hair. This is one of the reasons why it is very important to disinfect one’s clothing and change clothes after returning home.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Fleas and ticks, along with other biting insects, can cause skin conditions and infections. These small bugs can get on our clothes and then travel home with us and infect our homes. I have found all kinds of insects on my clothes, including ants and kissing bugs. I have gone outside and come home with flea bites on my exposed skin, so these mites are very common and are something that you likely encounter each day you leave home, although you may not see them or feel them. You will only know you encountered these mites when you develop small itchy spots on your skin or you find bites on your body.

Read the full article about Itch mites by the Illinois Department of Public Health here

We all worry about flying insects and the infections and diseases they cause, but there are many bugs that we can not see because of their small size, such as dust mites, clover mites, and itch mites. These bugs don’t need wings to move around; they can merely float on the wind and land on you as you are walking.

“Mites are microscopic insects that are in the same scientific category as spiders and ticks. Several types of mites bite humans, other mammals, birds and reptiles. Because mites do not have wings, they are unable to fly but are able to float and disperse through the air. On human skin, all mites are able to cause itching and irritation, but biting mites include chiggers, scabies, straw itch and bird mites” (Brooke, A. 2019, November 22). Mites that fly & bite. Sciencing.

Just because mites are small, does not mean that they are all harmless. Even if the mite can not float on the wind or have wings of its own to fly, it can also travel on the wind through air-borne animals like birds. This is how bird mites travel. Mites can act as parasites and can use another animals to suit their needs and travel on them. This is how different diseases can spread across the globe and how parasites can spread around the world.

Thus, it is very important to always bathe after coming home from being outside, to change your clothes after coming inside, limit where you keep dirty clothing and keep dirty clothes separate from clean clothes, and remember to cover your hair when it is too windy or if you are in a dirty environment.


In many states in America, we don’t encounter spiders on the wind, but there are some states where spiders will become airborne. Spiders tend to be very small and light weight, so it is easy for them to float on the wind or be carried along with it during wind storms and heavy winds. These airborne spiders can be seen in states along the West coast, as well as in East Asian countries. There is also a species of spider called the Joro spider that is traveling throughout the United States by wind travel.

Read the full article about Joro spiders here in the Florida Times

Spiders bite and their bite can hurt, though it may not be fatal. Even if you do not encounter the spider itself traveling along on the wind, you may walk into spider webs and these webs can become airborne as well. I have even had my eye cut by a spider web before while walking outside, so they are something to watch out for.


Although you may have not encountered one of these flying gliding snakes in your state, they do exist in America, as well as in Asia. These snakes look as though they are swimming or gliding along on the wind. Their bodies are light enough to naturally be carried by the wind, so you can come face-to-face with one.

Read the full article on flying snakes here

Flying snakes are venomous, though not fatally so, but you should be careful while traveling and try to avoid them if you see them sailing on the wind.


Spiders and snakes can be poisonous, though they may not kill you or always cause the skin to die. Their bites can still be painful, irritating, and can leave scars behind. Mites also do not need wings to travel because they can travel on other organisms. Fleas can travel on birds and mites can float on the wind. Mites can leave rashes on our skin and make us self-conscious about ourselves and feel uncomfortable within our own skin. Some mites reproduce very quickly and can quickly take over our home and environment like lice, so we must be careful to have good habits that help prevent mites from infecting our spaces and being passed along to our loved ones and those around us.

Learn more about mites/parasites, the skin diseases and infections they cause, how we get parasitic mite infections, how to get rid of them, and how to detox your body, home, and bedding so that you have better health and wellness by contacting Barbara Frank:

Feeling sick? Having skin or hair problems? Talk with Barbara Frank today to discover the many things you are doing in your life that are making you sick and infecting you with parasites: Nematodes, fungi, flukes, mites, tapeworms, fleas, lice, and much more.

Sit down with Barbara Frank by phone and discuss all your wellness, skincare, and beauty concerns. Barbara Frank suggests natural methods that have worked for others. Barbara will follow you for 30 days to help get you on the right track towards better wellness, skin, hair, and mental and physical wellbeing. Barbara’s goal is to help guide you to be the best that you can be and to feel better than ever!

Learn more about Barbara Frank: Contact Barbara via email ( or by phone (301-297-3909) to schedule a time to talk with her about your concerns. You can read testimonials from Barbara’s past and current clients on her website:

DL's Health & Beauty

Enter the realm of health, wellness, beauty, makeup, and fashion. The world is full of so many different forms of beauty. Every culture has its own unique beauty, but one thing that all of them have in common is that healthy is always beautiful. But health is not constant or instant in life. Health is part of the life journey that we are all on until our time is up.

We all have a unique health journey. My health journey started in college when I studied human health and disease at The University of The District of Columbia. Later, I studied health and psychology at The University of Maryland University College. After college, I continued following medical breakthroughs around the world, from India to the UK. I soon realized that there was so much health knowledge out there, but so few people had access to it. Thus, I turned to writing. My goal is to share valuable health breakthroughs with the world and connect health to beauty and multiculturalism; that is how this site came to life.

Wherever you are in your health and wellness journey, there is always more to learn and there is beauty to be found everywhere in various forms. So, let's walk this path together and discover fully what the realm of health and beauty has to offer!

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