Health & Wellness

What Exactly Is Coronavirus? The Truth About Coronavirus, Questions Answered, Debunking The Lies

Coronavirus is the new scary word that everyone hears about on every TV channel. It strikes fear into people’s hearts, and it is the modern-day world killer. Coronavirus does not discriminate either. It affects women, men, babies, pets, and people of every religion and ethnicity. We hear about Coronavirus constantly on the news, but do you know what it is exactly? There is so much false information about Coronavirus out there, so today, we will give you information about what Coronavirus really is, as well as denounce some of the lies that exist about it.

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1. What is Coronavirus exactly?
Coronavirus is a respiratory illness, so it affects the lungs, the throat, and the chest. It affects the ability to breathe properly. Coronavirus is a virus, but it can also come in the form of SARS. There is some debate about whether viruses are particles or parasites, but I personally believe, and the UK acknowledges viruses as very small microscopic parasites that are smaller than bacteria. If you look up the definition of a parasite, viruses match that description because they need a host to survive and reproduce, and they harm or kill their host. After the virus enters the body, it attaches to cells and causes respiratory problems.  
Respiratory illnesses can be passed to others by breathing directly into their face or air space, or by coughing and sneezing, which makes the virus become airborne.
2. Can animals get Coronavirus? Absolutely!


The answer to this question lies in understanding what zoonotic diseases are. Zoonotic diseases are diseases that pass from a human to an animal, and vice versa. Some forms of Coronavirus originally came from animals, and then they were transmitted to us. Once inside of us, the virus mutates so that it can adapt to survive inside of its new human host. As a result, many people believe that the Coronavirus that ripped through China at the end of 2019 came from eating animals. In Chinese culture, meat is often not fully cooked, so China could have gotten Coronavirus by eating undercooked meats, or from contact with animals that were infected with the virus. 

“Three additional coronaviruses originated as animal infections. Over time, these viruses evolved and were eventually transmitted to humans” (Vandergriendt, 2020, Healthline). 

There is another belief that Coronavirus is connected to the installation of 5G satellites, which is believed to take oxygen out of the air. The lack of oxygen can weaken people’s bodies and their immune system, which will prevent people from being able to thrive and fight Coronavirus as effectively as they normally would.

When it comes to how infections spread, not all illnesses will pass between humans and animals, but many of them do. Viruses have an amazing ability to survive and adapt, which makes them very difficult to fight, and quite deadly for humans.

“There are hundreds of coronaviruses, but only seven are known to affect people. Four human coronaviruses only cause mild cold or flu-like symptoms. Three other coronaviruses pose more serious risks” (Vandergriendt, 2020, Healthline).

Animals absolutely can get Coronavirus, and it can make them sick, usually not as sick as humans who can die from it though. When animals do catch Coronavirus, it is usually from contact with a human who was infected with the virus, or who is a carrier of it. So far, cats, lions, tigers, and a dog have tested positive for Coronavirus.

Read the full article here

If animals can get Coronavirus, why have many news sources said that animals do not get it? I think the reason that PETA and many others are telling people that animals do not get Coronavirus is because they are afraid that people would start killing animals out of fear and panic that they would get the virus from them.

3. What are the symptoms of Coronavirus?


Coronavirus is a respiratory illness, so the symptoms tend to be typical of cold and flu, such as coughing, sneezing, runny nose, fever, etc. Some people have no symptoms at all though; these particular individuals could be carriers or secret unknown spreaders of the virus since they can still pass the virus on to others they meet. 

Other common symptoms of Coronavirus include chest pain, difficulty breathing, headaches, extreme sluggishness and tiredness, sore throat, red eyes, behavioral changes, excess mucus, watery eyes, and nasal congestion. 

4. Does wearing gloves protect you from Coronavirus? No, it does not. You can still get Coronavirus while wearing gloves.


Coronavirus is not a bacterial infection, so wearing gloves will not really protect you that much. The only thing that wearing gloves will do is stop you from picking up the virus on objects that someone infected with the virus touched while they had snot on their hands or after sneezing or coughing into their hands.

Furthermore, Coronavirus can get on your gloves from the contaminated things that you touch. If you touch yourself while wearing contaminated gloves, you can still give yourself Coronavirus. So gloves really do not help you much. Let’s also not forget that viruses can become airborne, so you can breathe them in, and gloves can not protect you from the air that you breathe.

5. Does wearing a mask protect you from Coronavirus? Yes and no.


Wearing a mask does protect you a lot, much more than gloves alone for sure, but still, masks do not protect you completely. You can still get Coronavirus through the ears and eyes. If someone sneezes near your ears or directly into your face, you can still catch the virus. Despite this though, a mask does protect you a lot, and it is definitely better than nothing. With social distancing, face masks are much more effective since people are not supposed to be close enough to you to infect your ears, sneeze, or cough directly into your face.  

6. Is Coronavirus new? No, it definitely is not. Coronavirus has been around for over half a century. 


The world did not just discover Coronavirus in China in November and December of last year, 2019. The human forms of Coronavirus were actually first discovered in the 1960s, so it has been around for a very long time. Furthermore, Coronavirus was detected in the Middle East in 2012 in Saudia Arabia, years before it made news in China in 2019. Thus, Coronavirus was actually an epidemic as early as 2012, so this virus is simply making a comeback.

International travel is so widespread and so easy now, that people infected with the virus, as well as carriers, likely continue to travel and slowly infected others and spread the virus globally. All of these things have led to the current pandemic that we are living in right now.

“Since 2012, 27 countries [had] reported more than 2,400 MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, a form of Coronavirus) cases…In 2015, an outbreak in South Korea led to 186 cases and 36 deaths. According to the CDC, this outbreak originated with a traveler returning from the Middle East.” (Vandergriendt, 2020, Healthline). 

Over the years, Coronavirus has continued to mutate and become stronger. With all the bad processed unhealthy foods that we eat, malnourishment, mineral and vitamin deficiencies, chemical pollution, and radiation, our bodies are not as capable of fighting this virus as they might have been in the past.

7. Why is Coronavirus so dangerous?


Coronavirus is so dangerous because it can stop you from breathing, which can kill you, and it can kill you fast. Some people only live a few days after contracting the virus, while others may live two weeks, a month, or longer. 

8. Does Coronavirus only affect the old and fragile? Absolutely not! Even teens and those with strong immune systems can get Coronavirus.


Babies can be born with Coronavirus and die from it through their infected mothers. The elderly and the weak are at risk and can die from the virus also. Teens/young people or even those with good diets and strong immune systems can also catch Coronavirus. Having a healthy lifestyle, eating organic, exercising, being young and strong, none of this matter when it comes to Coronavirus. Anyone anywhere can contract the virus and die from it at any time, so take this virus seriously because your life could depend on it.

Read the full article here

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Feeling sick? Having skin or hair problems? Talk with Barbara Frank today to discover the many things you are doing in your life that are making you sick and infecting you with parasites: Nematodes, fungi, flukes, mites, tapeworms, fleas, lice, and much more.



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DL's Health & Beauty

Enter the realm of health, wellness, beauty, makeup, and fashion. The world is full of so many different forms of beauty. Every culture has its own unique beauty, but one thing that all of them have in common is that healthy is always beautiful. But health is not constant or instant in life. Health is part of the life journey that we are all on until our time is up.

We all have a unique health journey. My health journey started in college when I studied human health and disease at The University of The District of Columbia. Later, I studied health and psychology at The University of Maryland University College. After college, I continued following medical breakthroughs around the world, from India to the UK. I soon realized that there was so much health knowledge out there, but so few people had access to it. Thus, I turned to writing. My goal is to share valuable health breakthroughs with the world and connect health to beauty and multiculturalism; that is how this site came to life.

Wherever you are in your health and wellness journey, there is always more to learn and there is beauty to be found everywhere in various forms. So, let's walk this path together and discover fully what the realm of health and beauty has to offer!

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