Teeth are very important, both for our health and for our appearance, so we must take good care of them, but in order to do this, we must first understand what they are made of. So today, I will teach you what teeth are composed of, and what function each major part of the tooth serves.
A lot of people do not realize this, but teeth contain DNA. Each person’s teeth are unique and can be used to identify us since they contain our human DNA.
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When it comes to the physical structure of teeth, they are composed of eight main parts

A Root
A root that is connected to a nerve and blood vessels.
Each tooth contains both soft and hard tissues. One such tissue is pulp. The pulp is surrounded and protected by dentin. The pulp is a soft jelly-like substance that fills the pulp chamber.
A Crown
A crown is at the very top of the tooth, which can easily get chipped when eating hard and very crunchy foods.
A Root Canal
A root canal contains the root of the tooth, and it connects the tooth to a nerve, blood vessels, bone, and gums.

Enamel is found on the crown of the tooth, the upper part of the tooth. Enamel is hard, it contains minerals, and it protects and covers the outer part of the tooth. Enamel is what gets stained when we smoke and drink a lot of coffee and tea. Enamel is made up of inorganic matter known as calcium and phosphate ions. Calcium is a mineral that is found in bone.
Dentin is beneath the crown. It surrounds the root canal and the pulp chamber. Dentin is porous, and it is made of water and organic and inorganic matter. Most of your tooth is made up of dentin, with the crown, the enamel, and the pulp cavity taking up a small amount of space compared to it.
A Pulp Cavity/Chamber
A pulp cavity/chamber is what houses the root, the root canal, and the blood vessels. The pulp cavity is how the tooth receives nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

Cementum is like bone. It is strong, but it is actually tissue and it is made up of minerals. Cementum surrounds the dentin. Cementum is very important for each and every tooth because it is what helps keep your teeth inside of your mouth and attached to your gums; cementum helps hold teeth in place and keep them from falling out.
Teeth are amazing. They are made up of substances and are surrounded by bone, tissues, gums, and ligaments. Teeth are made up of the same things like bone, so they are strong, and built to last.
Teeth give our faces and mouths a shape. They reflect our health, eating, and hygiene habits. They help us produce sound and speech. Without teeth, eating would be difficult and we would lose the joy of eating good food and being able to communicate fully, so take good care of your teeth and value them; your teeth are your unique signature, so do all that you can to love and preserve them.
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