Most people love eating fruits, and there is even the expression, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” but just as old expressions like the five-second rule have been debunked, an apple a day is not for everyone. Some people can not handle the amount of sugar in apples, so apples are for healthy people and those with fully functioning good immune systems.

Regardless, fruits are very valuable and enjoyable for many people. Fruits can help curb one’s sugar craving by letting them have sugar that is low-calorie, healthier, and less fattening, so they can be great for dieters. However, not all fruits will help you diet and lose weight. Some fruits can actually cause weight gain when eaten in large amounts because of the large number of calories and sugar. So today, I will teach you about the ten worst fruits to eat while dieting and trying to lose weight.
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Worst Fruits For Dieters

Are you really surprised to see apples on this list? Surely you saw this one coming. One apple is between 95 – 116 calories, so if you eat an apple with your meal, you need to be careful what you pair with it so that you are not consuming too many calories in one meal. Furthermore, one apple starts with 25 grams of carbohydrates. Noodles start at 40 grams of carbohydrates, so you also need to be careful not to consume too many carbs in a meal paired with apples.
Eating too many carbs in a single meal tends to make you more tired. While dieting, you want to keep your energy as high as possible since dieting tends to reduce your energy level because you are restricting yourself and suddenly cutting back your calorie consumption. This is one of the reasons why carbs are generally avoided while dieting.

One banana is between 105 – 121 calories, and most people eat more than one banana at a time, so it is easy to consume over 200 calories with bananas alone. This is why you must be very careful what you pair with bananas, and why you should limit yourself to one per meal.

Raisins are very sweet, and generally, if something is very sweet, it will be high-calorie and more fattening. One cup of raisins is over 430 calories, so raisins alone are a meal by themselves, but they will leave you feeling hungry and not satisfied like after eating a full meal, so raisins should be avoided while dieting.

One pomegranate is over 230 calories, but pomegranates take a long time to eat, and I find them to be quite filling, so I can eat one pomegranate and not eat for about an hour or longer afterward, so it is a more filling fruit and one of the better ones in this list. Pomegranates are high-calorie though, so be careful snacking on them.

One pear is around 100 calories, so it is a higher-calorie fruit. Depending on the size, you may eat one-three pears in one sitting, so it can add up, so be careful how many pears you eat with your meal.

Mangoes are very popular amongst Hispanic groups, but they are high-calorie. One mango is over 200 calories. Mangoes are also high in carbohydrates and sugars. One mango has 50 grams of carbohydrates, and 46 grams of sugar, so be careful what you pair with mangoes. In general, when dieting I do not recommend eating mangoes.
I love kiwi. It is one of my favorite fruits. It is higher in calories though since it is around 110 calories for a cup of kiwi. One cup of kiwi has 16 grams of sugar and 26 grams of carbohydrates, so be careful what you pair this fruit with when you eat.

Many of you may not be familiar with jackfruit, but it is popular in Asia. I have seen them in Thai markets before. Jackfruit is most popular in India and South Asia in places like Nepal and Sri Lanka. Jackfruit is huge and it looks really weird, but I know some Asians really like it. In Thailand, jackfruit may be eaten alone, used in cooking, paired with ice cream, or eaten in the form of chips.
One cup of jackfruit is just under 160 calories. Jackfruit has 38 grams of carbohydrates and 32 grams of sugar, so it is a more fattening fruit that you have to be careful eating.

Grapes are one of my favorite fruits, so I buy them more than most fruits. One cup of grapes is almost 105 calories, so they are similar to pears in terms of calories. One cup of grapes contains about 15 grams of sugar and 16 grams of carbohydrates, so it is a safer fruit in this list to eat with your meals to make them more balanced.

Cantaloupes do not seem very sweet when you eat them, but they are high-calorie. One whole cantaloupe can range in calories from around 150 – 275 calories. Cantaloupes are also high in sugar and carbohydrates. A small cantaloupe has 35 grams of sugar and a large one has 64 grams of sugar. A small cantaloupe has 36 grams of carbohydrates and a large one has 66 grams of carbohydrates. So, this is another fruit that I avoid altogether while dieting.
Final Thoughts
Fruit can be great if you are healthy. It can be really helpful for maintaining weight or helping you lose weight since it can be used to replace sweets that are fattening and high-calorie like cakes, cookies, ice cream, etc. When I first started calorie counting, fruit was important for me since I craved a lot of sweets but did not want to eat anything too high-calorie or high in sugar, so fruits are great when starting a diet or beginning your weight loss journey. When you get used to your new diet you will not crave sugar as much and you will not reach for fruits as often, but in the beginning, it is important to know which fruits to avoid because they can prevent you from reaching your weight loss goals. With this information, you are one step closer to meeting your weight loss goals this year.
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