When it comes to acne, it can make us feel self-conscious and inadequate as if there is something wrong with us. Acne can make us feel embarrassed and ashamed, especially when we are having a heavy breakout. So, here are twelve tips to help you prevent, treat, and avoid acne breakouts and reduce how often they occur.
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1. Wash Your Face Twice A Day
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Photo by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash |
When we are sleeping, our body heals itself and our pores open, so when we wake up, our skin often looks dull for two reasons: The first reason is because you absorbed things from the air while you were sleeping. The second reason is because your skin cells shed while you sleep. In addition, while the body heals itself, it pushes toxins to the surface of the skin. These toxins and dead skin cells need to be removed in order to brighten up your skin and keep it healthy. Thus, it is important to wash your face in the morning when you wake up, as well as at night before bed after being out in dirty polluted air.
“Your skin cells are constantly rejuvenating themselves, but the turnover rate is especially fast while you sleep. Old skin is pushed to the surface by newer cells” (Cassano, M. (2016, July 19). 8 Gross Things Your Body Does In Your Sleep & A Few Things That Can Help. Sleep Review Mag).
Barbara Frank’s Lympha Cleanse
A natural, organic body cleanser that does not disrupt hormone production
2. Avoid Putting Chemicals On Your Face
Harsh chemicals can irritate the skin and cause rashes, so avoid using face washes that aren’t natural or organic. You do not have to bathe with only natural or organic soaps, but you should at least wash your face with these kinds of soaps because the eyes are more sensitive that other parts of the body.
You should also avoid face products that contain fragrance, alcohol, and Sodium lauryl sulfate. These ingredients, as well as chemicals in general, can strip the skin and dry it out causing irritation and redness. Fragrance can also cause eye irritation and headaches for some people, so ingredients like these should be avoided during a breakout because your skin is more vulnerable, fragile, and sensitive.
3. Apply Oil To Your Face At Night
I know a lot of people believe that oil clogs the pores, but your skin needs oil. In fact, your skin contains oil glands. Without oil, your skin will become dry. Oils also contain antioxidants and vitamins, such as vitamins K and E. Oils not only moisturize your skin, but they also help it look and feel better. The best time to apply oil to your face is at night before bed so that the oil has hours to work on your skin.
Barbara Frank’s Rose Beautifying Cream for the best skin of your life!
A good, natural, and organic product that I recommend, which contains essential oils, including clove, rose, olive oil, almond oil, lavender, and myrrh is Barbara Frank’s Rose Beautifying Cream with Copper Peptides. The Rose Beautifying Cream is a great astringent and moisturizer. This cream is available in my store here on this website. You can also try a sample of it here.
4. Use A BB Or CC Cream, Instead Of Foundation
BB and CC creams tend to be more natural and organic, even ones made by drugstore brands. BB and CC creams are specifically made for people with sensitive skin so they contain safer ingredients. Some of the ingredients that you will find in BB and CC creams are: essential oils, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, goji berry, vitamin C, vitamin E, ceramides, glycerin, sunflower oil, jojoba oil, collagen, macadamia oil, rosemary extract, matricaria extract, citronellol, as well as many other beneficial ingredients for the skin.
BB and CC creams are much better for the skin, so they are especially helpful during a breakout. BB and CC creams can help you avoid irritating your skin further with their soothing, natural ingredients. BB and CC creams also help prevent redness and darker scar tissue from developing.Â
Foundation makeup tends to have a lot of chemicals in them and few ingredients that are beneficial for the skin. So, foundation should be avoided during a breakout since it can further irritate your acne and worsen it.Â
5. Do Not Pop Pimples
It is tempting to pop pimples since you want to get rid of them as quickly as possible, but popping pimples causes scarring. Scarring takes far longer to get rid of than the pimples themselves, so it is better to slowly reduce the breakout and wait for the pimples to go away as you continue to treat your skin.
6. Avoid Touching Your Face
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Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash |
Since we are constantly touching things, our hands get very dirty and they carry many germs and bacteria. You may think some of the things you are touching are clean, but they often are not, even when they are in your home. Simply opening doors and going in and out of your home can bring debris and bacteria into your home. The bacteria that comes in will coat the surfaces of countertops and objects in your home.Â
“It is true that you will not find a surface without bacteria on it…Studies have shown that of the bacteria found in indoor air, the most common four are: Micrococcus, Staphylococcus, Bacillus, and Pseudomonas” (4 Types of Bacteria Commonly Found in Homes & Businesses. Mold & Bacteria Consulting Laboratories).
We must also remember that our clothes get coated with germs, bacteria, and pollution from the outside. This causes our clothes to stink, and since we tend to touch our clothes while we are out, we transfer the bacteria from our clothes to our hands. It is for all of these reasons that we should avoid touching our faces, both inside and outside of the home.
7. Exfoliate Regularly
While you are treating your acne breakouts, you will kill some of the bacteria causing the breakout daily, but the bacteria and germs you kill will still need to be removed from your skin. The way to remove them, along with the dead skin cells, will be to exfoliate your skin.Â
Exfoliating is important for smoother, clearer skin, but when having a breakout, you should exfoliate a bit less frequently since it can be harsh and abrasive on the skin. So, I recommend exfoliating once or twice a week, rather than daily, so as not to dry out your skin too much.
8. Choose Astringent Cleansers Over Oil Cleansers
Oil cleansers are great for removing makeup, but they don’t really clean the skin. Oil cleansers will moisturize the skin and coat it in a layer of oil, but when treating acne, you will need a cleanser that will kill germs, bacteria, and prevent further breakouts. So, I recommend using an astringent cleanser over an oil cleanser when you are having a breakout.Â
Barbara Frank’s Natural Herbal Lotion for the ultimate hair growth!
A strong, natural, and organic astringent that I always use when I have a breakout is called The Natural Herbal Lotion. I mix this product with Barbara Frank’s Lympha Cleanse. Then, I massage these two products into my face for 3-5 minutes while washing my face. When these products start to feel dry and don’t easily move around on my face, I add water to them to help them smoothly move on my face. Then, I wash these products off and apply a moisturizer. Both of these products are available here in my store on this website. Both of these products act as the perfect, natural germicide for travel as well.
I keep a travel size bottle of the Natural Herbal Lotion in my purse to mist restaurant seats and my hands when I am out. I also recommend using the Natural Herbal Lotion to clean airplane seats as well before you sit down in them because the people who used those seats before you could have placed a dirty child in the seat or a baby with a poopy diaper. The person before you could have had a vaginal infection, crabs, or a mite or lice infestation in their home that they are also carrying on their clothes, shoes, and bags.Â
9. Do Not Share Face Products With Others
You should not share face and hand products, such as washcloths, rags, towels, makeup sponges, makeup brushes, and beauty blenders with others. Skincare products that are in a jar that you have to put your finger into to use should also not be shared with others because this creates cross-contamination.Â
10. Do Not Put Your Face Next To Other Peoples’ Faces – Avoid Letting Others Use Your Pillows

When it comes to family, it is of course fine to hug and be affectionate, but be careful putting your face next to other peoples’ faces because acne is contagious. After all, acne is an infection in the body. Acne is a colony of bacteria on and inside the skin, so it can be shared and transferred by physical contact. This is why couples and family members tend to have acne in similar places and the same kinds of acne.Â
Let’s look at an example. Consider rosacea for a moment. Rosacea tends to run in families and it is generally in the same places on their bodies and faces. One of the reasons why this happens is because of close physical contact between family members. In addition, the mite that can cause rosacea is all over the house, clothes, and bodies of those who have it. This mite’s eggs are shed through the skin cells daily, so the eggs will be all over the home that these individuals share with each other.Â
Thus, to avoid breakouts, you should avoid direct skin-to-skin contact with others you don’t know well or who are not directly related to you.
11. Wash Pillowcases and Bedding Regularly – Avoid Letting Strangers Get On Your Bed
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Photo by Yasmine Boheas on Unsplash |
Bedding needs to be washed regularly. Our skin cells and everything else on our skin, such as pollutants and toxins, get in our beds when we sleep because our pores open up and our skin cells shed heavily during this time. So, when you get in someone else’s bed, you are also getting whatever has been excreted from their bodies through their pores and skin.
Furthermore, parasites are on our skin along with their eggs, which are microscopic in size, so we can’t always see them. Parasites and their eggs can also fall off of us while we are moving around, which means that the parasites causing someone’s acne is also in their bedding and can transfer to you through contact with their sheets and bed.
12. Avoid Putting Your Face Next To Someone’s Beard If They Do Not Look Well Groomed
Beards are often very contaminated. In a recent study, men’s beards were found to be more contaminated than dogs and toilet water. Beards can contain fecal matter, lice, and mites. If the man is not big on grooming, washing, and maintaining his beard, if the man is not big on hygiene, then the women who come in contact with his beard can experience breakout and even get a urinary tract infection from the contact with his beard.
“The beards covering men’s faces hide significantly higher amounts of bacteria than found on dogs, a recent study suggests. The research, published in February in the peer-reviewed journal European Radiology, compared bacteria samples from 18 hairy men with those from 30 dogs, including border collies, dachshunds, and German shepherds. The conclusion? On the basis of these findings, dogs can be considered as ‘clean’ compared with bearded men, the Switzerland-based researchers noted. Twenty-three of the 30 dogs showed high microbial counts; all 18 of the bearded men did. Disease-causing bacteria showed up more frequently on the beards, too, including bugs causing urinary tract infections” (Hafner, J. (2019, April 17). Are beards dirtier than dogs? ‘Significantly’ more germs hide in men’s beards, study finds. USA Today).
I hope you found these 12 tips helpful! Which tip surprised you the most?
Feeling sick? Having skin problems? Talk with Barbara Frank today to discover the many things you are doing in your life that are making you sick and infecting you with parasites: Nematodes, fungi, flukes, mites, tapeworms, fleas, lice, and much more.
Sit down with Barbara Frank by phone and discuss all your wellness, skincare, and beauty concerns. Barbara Frank suggests natural methods that have worked for others. Barbara will follow you for 30 days to help get you on the right track towards better wellness, skin, hair, and mental and physical wellbeing. Barbara’s goal is to help guide you to be the best that you can be and to feel better than ever!
Learn more about Barbara Frank: Contact Barbara via email (barbara_20815@hotmail.com) or by phone (301-297-3909) to schedule a time to talk with her about your concerns. You can read testimonials from Barbara’s past and current clients on her website: https://www.barbarafrank222.com