Hair Health & Wellness

How To Grow Your Hair Long and Thick – 10 Tips and Tricks To Improve Thinning Hair and Reduce Hair Loss and Breakage

Hair is such an important part of our features and beauty. Having hair makes women and men feel more confident about themselves and more physically attractive. So today, I am going to share a video with you all showing you step-by-step how to grow out your hair so that it is longer, healthier, and thicker. I will also give you ten extra tips to help you reduce hair loss, breakage, and damage.



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Step-By-Step Instructions On How To Grow Longer, Thicker, Healthier Hair


I made a video with Barbara Frank where she physically shows you how she gets her hair to grow so long, as well as the product that she uses to do so. Barbara also explains the proper way to comb out your hair to reduce hair loss and breakage in this video, as well as how to part your hair and apply the product to the scalp. You can see this video here on our YouTube channel 📷: Grow Hair Long Thick with Medicines From The Earth with Barbara Frank Thinning Balding Hair Loss




10 Tips and Tricks For Growing Longer, Thicker Hair


1. Detangle your hair with a wide tooth comb. Never use a thin, narrow, fine-tooth comb to detangle your hair. A fine-tooth comb can break off your hair and make you lose much more hair. If you wash your hair every other day, this will add up and you will have a lot of hair loss. This habit can make it look like your hair is growing very little, if at all. Using a fine-tooth comb can also thin the hair and make it less thick over time, so avoid these types of combs when wanting to grow longer, thicker hair. 

A Thin Narrow Fine-Tooth Comb


Wide Tooth Combs


2. Throw away your combs and brushes after a while and get new ones. Combs and brushes wear out over time; they do not last forever, so if it has been a few years since you bought a new hairbrush or comb, it is definitely time to get a new one. What happens is that the bristles break down and start to split and wear out over time. If you do not replace a worn out comb or brush, it will pull and tug on your hair and cause breakage because the plastic starts to break down over time. When you first get a new comb or brush, you will notice much less hair loss, but over time, as you continue to use that brush or comb, you will notice more and more hair in the comb than when you first bought it. So, when you start finding too much hair in your comb or brush, it is time to throw it away and get a new one.



3. Notice any changes in your blow dryer, such as odd smells coming from it, or if it feels hotter than you remember. Blow dryers can change over time and experience a kind of burn out. Blow dryers will suddenly start to feel hotter over time as you continue to use them compared to when you first got them, so when this happens, the blow dryer can start to burn your hair. You will also sometimes notice a burning smell coming from an older blow dryer. When this happens, it is time to get a new blow dryer because it will damage your hair if you continue using it; it also becomes a safety hazard ⚠ at this point.



4. Do regular deep conditioning and anti-lice treatments to your hair. Every time I wash my hair, I deep condition it and add the Natural Herbal Lotion to my scalp to kill and repel lice. I leave a deep conditioning hair treatment on my hair for at least 30 minutes, but I prefer to leave it on for 1-2 hours. Along with the Natural Herbal Lotion, my hair treatments usually include around 5-7 healing ingredients.



It is also a good idea to avoid adding products with a lot of chemicals in them to your hair treatments  because they are harmful and can have negative side effects. You do not have to go 100% all-natural and organic, but I do recommend reducing how many chemicals you put on your hair and skin if you want them to be as healthy as possible. 

5. Keep the blow dryer far away from your hair while blow drying, especially if you put it on a high heat setting because if you put the blow dryer too close to your hair, it will burn your hair and dry it out. If you want to smooth your hair, you can use a concentrator nozzle and put it closer to your hair; you can also use a diffuser close to the hair when styling your hair curly, but when I put a hot tool close to my hair, I only use the medium heat setting on high fan. I do not recommend using the hot high heat setting when putting the blow dryer close to your hair. 



6. When you use a brush on your hair, make sure to detangle your hair first with a comb because you will lose less hair that way.



7. When using oil on your hair, use it after you have styled your hair or as part of your deep conditioning treatment. If you apply oil to your hair when you blow dry it, it can weigh your hair down and make it look thinner, although it does tend to make it look shinier. The oil will also make the hair take longer to dry and it can help cook the hair more because oil can really boil. This makes it so that you can really damage your hair and apply heat too long to it on a regular basis, which is really harmful over time. 



8. When trying to grow out your hair, I recommend avoiding using really damaging tools or products on your hair, such as flat irons, perms, or bleach, because these things can really damage and thin your hair. If you like to perm your hair, then opt for a perm for kids instead of a strong perm. You can also try a texturizer instead of a perm, which is less harsh. I also recommend avoiding relaxers with lye in them all together because they are too harmful; it is better to use lye free relaxers. 

9. If you want thicker hair, I highly recommend using a Denman Brush. I love this brush and it has been a total game changer for me. The Denman Brush has thickened my fine hair a lot, so if you do not own one of these brushes, I highly recommend getting one. I did a full review on my Denman Brushes here: Product Review: Denman Brush On Straightened and Curly Natural Ethnic Hair – A Brush for All Hair Types

10. Avoid tight hairstyles, such as tight braids and ponytails, because they can pull the hair out from the root and create a receding hairline and thin kitchens on the sides. 

Growing your hair long and thick will take a lot of time and patience, but it is definitely possible and worth it. It is tempting to get caught up in damaging hair routines because of current hairstyling and fashion trends, so we have all been guilty of doing harmful things to our hair at one time or another. Knowing what not to do to your hair though is the beginning of a new journey, so as you take better care of your hair, your hair will reward you by looking more beautiful, healthier, thicker, and longer.

What harmful things are you guilty of doing when it comes to how you style your hair?



Feeling sick? Having skin problems? Consult with Barbara Frank today to discover the many things that you are doing in your life that are making you sick and infecting you with parasites: Nematodes, fungi, flukes, mites, tapeworms, fleas, lice, and much more.



This consultation consists of sitting down with Barbara Frank by phone and discussing all your health concerns. Barbara Frank suggests natural protocols that have worked for others and sends you 4 products to get you started. This all comes with a consultation package. This consultation consists of 30 days of follow-up to get you on the right track towards better health and wellness.

Learn more about Barbara Frank, contact her via email ( to schedule a consultation, and read testimonials from her past and current clients on her website:


DL's Health & Beauty

Enter the realm of health, wellness, beauty, makeup, and fashion. The world is full of so many different forms of beauty. Every culture has its own unique beauty, but one thing that all of them have in common is that healthy is always beautiful. But health is not constant or instant in life. Health is part of the life journey that we are all on until our time is up.

We all have a unique health journey. My health journey started in college when I studied human health and disease at The University of The District of Columbia. Later, I studied health and psychology at The University of Maryland University College. After college, I continued following medical breakthroughs around the world, from India to the UK. I soon realized that there was so much health knowledge out there, but so few people had access to it. Thus, I turned to writing. My goal is to share valuable health breakthroughs with the world and connect health to beauty and multiculturalism; that is how this site came to life.

Wherever you are in your health and wellness journey, there is always more to learn and there is beauty to be found everywhere in various forms. So, let's walk this path together and discover fully what the realm of health and beauty has to offer!

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