Coronavirus has disturbed every way of life, and though news stories and commercials try to give people knowledge about the virus, these sources are still lacking in many ways; in part, because they focus on telling a limited amount of information again and again to their viewers. Furthermore, some things are not taught about the virus that makes a huge impact on how people act, and how effectively they can prevent themselves and their loved ones from getting the virus. So, in order to help level the playing field, I will teach you all one of the greatest newly recognized sources of Coronavirus that news sources are not telling you about. Learning about this source today will help put everything into perspective for you, and it will help make it much easier for you to know how to truly protect yourself and your loved ones from this devastating virus.
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Air Conditioning, Fans, and Indoor Air Circulation Spreads The Virus Indoors

Any indoor air ventilation system that you have set up inside your home or car, or which are in indoor places and buildings like restaurants, movie theaters, and office buildings all circulate the air in a single space. Some air ventilation systems are more advanced and stronger than others, so they may be able to circulate the air to much larger areas, such as several feet.
These air ventilation systems can include everything from air conditioners, fans, to air vents. The air that these sources blow out can carry the virus from an infected person who was in one of the rooms, throughout a single space. Anyone else who comes into one of those infected rooms can then get the virus if the air has not been purified beforehand. I wrote an article on ways to purify the air after an infected person with the virus has been inside your home, which you can also use as a simple preventive technique to keep the air in your home clean at all times. You can read this article here.

If you have read many news articles about Coronavirus, you may have heard that it is not possible for air conditioning to spread it, but this is not true. To help you understand why this is not true, I will explain using information that you already know. To start, we all accept and acknowledge that viruses spread when you sneeze or cough into the air right? I do not think anyone would deny this truth. So if this is definitely true, and it is summer or springtime when people are running AC units and fans on high, does it not make sense that if someone with a virus comes into a room and sneezes while a fan or AC is blowing air throughout the room, that the virus will be distributed throughout that room?
These AC units and fans blow out air, and if you can feel the air from any AC/air conditioner, fan, or ventilation unit in several rooms in your home, then it is safe to say that if someone with a virus goes into any one of those rooms, then all of the rooms where the AC or fan distributes that same air are contaminated. To deny this truth is like saying that it is possible to sneeze or cough in front of a fan or air conditioner, and expect the airflow coming from them to not move and distribute the virus around the room. When put like this, this information rings true does it not?

Given what we now know about the effect of air conditioners and fans on viruses, it might now make sense why being in a room with someone without a mask on where there are fans and air conditioners distributing the air around the room is not wise. Furthermore, standing six feet apart will not protect you as long as fans and Air conditioners are turned on. The fans and air conditioners can spread the virus much further than they would normally go in a room where the air is not moving or being pushed around; it is for this reason that when I saw lawmakers on the news in a room together without masks on staying six feet apart horrified me. Seeing this made me realize that one of the reasons why America is terribly failing to cope with Coronavirus is because our lawmakers do not fully understand, even after all of these months of dealing with the virus, how the virus truly works. So of course, it is only natural that the number of infected cases will continue to skyrocket daily in the United States.

4 New Tips To Try To Help You Avoid A Coronavirus Infection
Now that you understand how air ventilation, fans, and air conditioners help spread Coronavirus, you will also need to know how to protect yourself from it while indoors and outside. Here are four new tips to help you protect yourself and your loved ones from Coronavirus:
Tip #1: Wear A Face Shield Along With A Face Mask

Viruses go through the mucous membranes, which includes the eyes, so by wearing a face shield, you help prevent the virus from going through your eyes. However, wearing a face shield alone will not protect you from the virus because the virus can still go underneath and along the sides of the face shield, which will allow it to enter your eyes and be breathed in through your nose if you do not have a face mask.
Tip #2: Go For Special Face Masks Like The KN-95, N95, Or Those With A Filtration System

Going for special face masks like those with an activated carbon filter, or the one’s nurses and hospitals use like the KN-95 or N95, can protect you better and are more effective than the cheaper simple cotton clothe face masks that you see most people wearing outside. The reason for this is because they offer more layers of protection. Furthermore, face masks with a filtration system will act as a purifier to clean the air coming around the mask so that you have extra added protection, even if the virus is able to reach your eyes and nose.
Tip #3: When Wearing A Face Mask, Also Apply Essential Oils To Your Face Before Going Outside and Being Around Others

Apply a mild essential oil product over your eyebrows or at the far end of your eyes before going out to make it harder for the virus to be absorbed through your eyes; doing this will clean and purify the area around your eyes, essentially purifying the virus. This is like spraying bleach or an air disinfectant into the air. If you go online, you can find many air cleaners and air fresheners with essential oils in them for this reason.
However, there is a downside to this method. The issue is that this will only work until the essential oil evaporates off of your skin. Some essential oils will evaporate quickly in as little as an hour, while others will last a few hours, so it is a good idea to periodically reapply the essential oil while you are out. You only need one drop near each eye or brow to do the trick, so a little goes a long way.
When choosing an essential oil to place over your brows or at the end of your eyes, only use gentle essential oils like lavender or rose. Strong essential oils like peppermint and spearmint are too strong and will cause the eyes to water, so you should not use strong oils like these near the eye area or brows.
Lastly, even if you use these essential oils, they are there to protect your eyes, but you will still need a face mask; these oils are not a replacement for wearing face masks.
Tip #4: Apply Essential Oil To Your Cotton Cloth Face Mask
Apply a drop of essential oil like rose or lavender at the center of the outer part of your face mask, the part of the mask that is exposed to the air. This will help add extra protection in case your face mask is not protecting you enough, and the virus can still get through.
Coronavirus may be intimidating, but we must never forget that knowledge is power. Even some of the most deadly, dangerous, and devastating parasites, viruses, and bacteria can not defeat us when we have the knowledge that helps us understand them, as well as fight and try to overcome them. So do not give up. Use the tips and information in this article to inspire you and fill you with hope; use the information here to help you protect yourself and your loved ones in the coming months as this terrible virus continues.
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Feeling sick? Having skin or hair problems? Talk with Barbara Frank today to discover the many things you are doing in your life that are making you sick and infecting you with parasites: Nematodes, fungi, flukes, mites, tapeworms, fleas, lice, and much more.

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