Nail Polish/Nail Art Product Reviews

Product Review: Studio M Professional Holiday Christmas Glitter Nail Polish Lacquers

It is that time again for another nail polish review 💅! Since Christmas just passed and New Year’s is coming up, I thought this would be a great time to choose Christmas and New Year’s nail polish colors to review. The nail polishes I will be reviewing today are the Studio M Professional Nail Lacquers. 

Studio M Professional Nail Lacquer: Glitter Wonderland

This is a beautiful nail color with a lot of glitter. It is a dark purple plum color with a lot of red and blue flecks of glitter in it.

Face, Nose, & Nail Stickers

This purple color is beautiful; it really suits my skin tone. The formula for this nail polish is watery and it took around 2-3 coats to get the color opaque. One downside to this nail polish is that it does not dry fast, so I had to use a top coat to make it dry. Thus, this is not a nail polish that you can wear without a top coat.

This is how the color Glitter Wonderland looks when applied


Studio M Professional Nail Lacquer: Holiday Splendor

This nail polish is a beautiful holiday green shade. It has a Christmas feel to it, so it is perfect for the end of the year. This green color is a teal forest green with a lot of green, blue, and orange flecks of glitter in it.

The formula for this nail polish shade is similar to the purple shade: it is watery, but I only needed two coats to get the color opaque. Unlike with the purple shade, however, this shade dried fast, so I did not need to apply a top coat to it. 

Here is how the shade Holiday Splendor looks when applied


I wore both of these nail polishes for four days to see how they would hold up. The green shade that I wore without a top coat held up just as well as the purple shade that needed a top coat. So, the green shade is like a nail polish and a top coat combined, which is excellent, and a sign that it is a good-quality nail polish.

This is how both of these nail polishes looked after four days of wear



Final Thoughts

These two Studio M Professional Nail Lacquers are both very nice. I like that they both have a lot of shine and glitter. My favorite of the two shades is the purple shade because it really complements my skin color, but the green shade was easier and smoother to apply. The green shade has much more glitter in it also, so I think that the green shade is a better quality nail polish than the purple shade.

In terms of formula, I prefer the green shade, but when it comes to color, the purple shade is by far my favorite. All in all, I really enjoyed both of these nail polishes by Studio M Professional. 

DL's Health & Beauty

Enter the realm of health, wellness, beauty, makeup, and fashion. The world is full of so many different forms of beauty. Every culture has its own unique beauty, but one thing that all of them have in common is that healthy is always beautiful. But health is not constant or instant in life. Health is part of the life journey that we are all on until our time is up.

We all have a unique health journey. My health journey started in college when I studied human health and disease at The University of The District of Columbia. Later, I studied health and psychology at The University of Maryland University College. After college, I continued following medical breakthroughs around the world, from India to the UK. I soon realized that there was so much health knowledge out there, but so few people had access to it. Thus, I turned to writing. My goal is to share valuable health breakthroughs with the world and connect health to beauty and multiculturalism; that is how this site came to life.

Wherever you are in your health and wellness journey, there is always more to learn and there is beauty to be found everywhere in various forms. So, let's walk this path together and discover fully what the realm of health and beauty has to offer!

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