Hair Product Reviews

The Secret To Getting Perfect Frizz-Free Ringlets, Perfect Jheri Curls, and Shirley Temple Curls In Just 15 Minutes Using The Cantu Shea Butter Hair Dressing Pomade *Full Product Review*

I have been doing some research online for a new hair product for my hair because my hair has started to feel really dry even after applying a leave-in conditioner to it. Unfortunately, when you do not perm curly, ethnic hair, this can happen. I grew up in a family that is very big on perming curly hair to make it straighter, so my hair was permed most of my life, even when I was a child. I had no say in it really. Now, I am older and I have learned to accept and embrace my naturally curly hair. 



When you compare permed versus unpermed hair, there are some challenges you will notice. As a result of issues I have with my unpermed hair, I started researching the differences between different products. In particular, hair wax, gel, and pomades. When I was young, most curly-haired families had pomades, but these have been forgotten these days by many people because there are just too many new products out there on the market. Due to their past popularity, I decided to give hair pomades a try. I read that hair pomades are great for dry and frizzy hair, so I purchased one, and I will review it here today. The product that I will review is the Cantu Shea Butter Hair Dressing Pomade.

The Cantu Shea Butter Hair Dressing Pomade is clear in color. It is thick and feels quite dense to the touch, but it does not leave the hair feeling sticky. The Cantu Shea Butter Hair Dressing Pomade promises to: 

  1. Make the hair stronger and look healthier
  2. Add texture, lift, shine, and control
  3. Hold the style
  4. Define curls and twists
  5. Smooth edges
  6. Prevent frizz
  7. Seal in moisture


This hair product is supposed to be great for people with relaxed, textured, colored, or permed hair.

This Cantu Shea Butter Hair Dressing Pomade is made in the U.S. with shea butter. It has a small ingredient list of 11 ingredients and it costs less than $10, so it is a very inexpensive hair product. You only need a little bit of this product, about a quarter-sized amount for each braid. So, one container of this pomade will last you a long time and it is cost-effective. 


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How I Use The Cantu Shea Butter Hair Dressing Pomade To Create Perfect Curls

I separate my hair down the middle to create two side parts. I apply a leave-in moisturizer to my hair and a shine serum to each section. I then detangle each section with a wide tooth comb and apply about a quarter-sized amount of the Cantu Shea Butter Hair Dressing Pomade to each section. I then brush the pomade through my hair with the Denman Brush to make sure that every strand gets coated with the product. I then braid each section of hair and clip them on top of my head. I blow dry my braids for about 10 minutes to help my hair dry as I sleep and then I go to bed. 
When I wake up, I take down both braids. My hair was still a bit wet after applying the Cantu pomade, so I let it air-dry for a few more hours while I ran errands.

This is how my hair looked after it was completely dry with the Cantu Shea Butter Hair Dressing Pomade

The curls came out amazing! I absolutely love how my hair looks! It looks so professional and beautiful as if I just walked out of a salon 💇. My hair is full of curls and twists that are perfectly defined; it is very shiny and healthy-looking. The curls look lifted. My hair feels softer in texture, it is moisturized, it does not feel oily, and my hair looks controlled: My curls are held in place and there is no frizz at all, so this Cantu Shea Butter Hair Dressing Pomade did what it promised to do; it did everything that I wanted it to do. 
I did not use this hair pomade on my edges since I am not into sleeking down my edges at this time, but since it did smooth my hair out so well, you should not have any issues with it smoothing down your edges also.  

Final Thoughts

I absolutely love the Cantu Shea Butter Hair Dressing Pomade ❤! It really defines my curls and enhances them in texture, appearance, and style. This hair pomade makes your hair look like you spent hours on it when you only need to spend a few minutes setting it, so it definitely met all of my expectations with flying colors 💚.
The only thing about this hair pomade that I think many of you may not like is that it does contain paraffin and fragrance (parfum), as well as petrolatum. I do not mind the smell of this product at all. I actually like it; it is kind of a candy smell that reminds me of my childhood. The smell is not too strong like some fragrances, but some of you may be sensitive to smells, so I wanted to mention this.
Do keep in mind the drying process as well. You will likely spend more than just 10 minutes drying your hair with a blow dryer if you use this pomade. Your hair may also still be wet in the morning, especially if you have thicker, longer hair. I have very fine hair and I cut it recently so it is shorter, but it still was not fully dry by morning, so you should have these kinds of expectations about the drying time based on your hair length and type. 
I definitely plan to buy more hair dressing pomades to test out because I am so impressed with this Cantu one. I think the Cantu Shea Butter Hair Dressing Pomade is good-quality. I absolutely love the results it gave me, so I definitely recommend this one. If you have dry hair, want to reduce how damaged your hair looks, or want those perfect Shirley Temple ringlets, then I definitely think you should give this Cantu Shea Butter Hair Dressing Pomade a try. 

Do you have a hair dressing pomade that you like? Share it with us because we would love to try it ☺! 


DL's Health & Beauty

Enter the realm of health, wellness, beauty, makeup, and fashion. The world is full of so many different forms of beauty. Every culture has its own unique beauty, but one thing that all of them have in common is that healthy is always beautiful. But health is not constant or instant in life. Health is part of the life journey that we are all on until our time is up.

We all have a unique health journey. My health journey started in college when I studied human health and disease at The University of The District of Columbia. Later, I studied health and psychology at The University of Maryland University College. After college, I continued following medical breakthroughs around the world, from India to the UK. I soon realized that there was so much health knowledge out there, but so few people had access to it. Thus, I turned to writing. My goal is to share valuable health breakthroughs with the world and connect health to beauty and multiculturalism; that is how this site came to life.

Wherever you are in your health and wellness journey, there is always more to learn and there is beauty to be found everywhere in various forms. So, let's walk this path together and discover fully what the realm of health and beauty has to offer!

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