Health & Wellness Teeth Health

7 Tips For Healthier Teeth

Teeth are so important for health. They are close to the brain, so any problems with our teeth can lead to mental health problems, as well as problems in various parts of the body since everything is connected to the brain. So today, I will share seven tips with you all that will help you have healthier teeth and better mental and physical health.


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Never Skip Flossing – The Importance of Flossing
We all have those days when we are just too exhausted to brush, so on those days, it is important to at least floss and use mouthwash. I consider flossing to be more vital than brushing. The reason for this is because toothbrushes can remove things like surface stains on the teeth and food particles. However, many small food particles get stuck in between teeth, and toothbrushes can not remove them. These food particles can then rot and lead to infections, cavities, and mouth problems. 

You can see the importance of flossing with a simple test: Brush first, then floss afterward. You will be able to see how much food remains in your mouth after brushing. The more food left in your mouth after brushing, the more bacteria and infections that can occur.
Not All Toothbrushes Are Created Equal – Avoid Poor Quality Toothbrushes
Photo by Pietro Jeng from Pexels
A lot of people believe that all toothbrushes perform well do what they are supposed to do, but this is not always true. Most of the toothbrushes in stores are made in China, even the biggest brands like Colgate have toothbrushes made in China, so the quality of the toothbrushes will not always be good. So if you buy a new toothbrush, and your mouth, teeth, or gums feel sensitive, uncomfortable, or hurt after using it, then throw it away immediately and buy a new one because it is harming you.
Throw Away Toothbrushes Or Replace The Head Regularly 
Toothbrushes were not meant to last a long time. The bristles wear out on them, and the bacteria from your mouth can reach a point where they remain in the toothbrush, even after cleaning or washing it. Unfortunately, when bacteria build up too much, simple washing is not always enough to remove all the bacteria, so by replacing your toothbrushes regularly, you help prevent reinfecting your teeth and gums with strong bacteria. 

Furthermore, whenever you have a major problem with your mouth, teeth, or gums, you should throw away the toothbrush, even if you only had it for a short time. For example, if you get a cavity filled, the toothbrush that you used before getting that cavity filled should be thrown away because the bacteria that caused the cavity is still likely in that toothbrush.
Drink Acidic Juices Through A Straw
Acidic juices such as lemons, grapefruit, tomatoes 🍅, and oranges can be hard on the teeth since they can wear down the enamel. So if you are on a diet where you drink a lot of these juices daily or several times each week, you should only drink them through a straw so that they can not come into contact with your teeth and create sensitivity and thinning.
Avoid Very Hard, Crunchy, and Sticky Foods – Never Bit Down On Hard Foods

Photo by Angele J from Pexels
Foods that are very hard to chew, such as sticky caramels, banana chips 🍌, or hard rice 🍘 should be avoided. The reason for this is because sticky foods can get stuck in between your teeth and toothbrushes and floss may not be able to remove them easily. This means that the remaining food particles can start to rot in between your teeth and cause health problems. 
When it comes to very hard and crunchy foods, they can actually break your teeth and lead to chips in your teeth. So you should never bite down on hard things like crab legs or hard shells to try to open them with your teeth. This can easily lead to cracked and chipped teeth.
Always Use Mouthwash
Mouthwash is very important for teeth because it can remove the food particles that get dislodged by your flosser and act similarly to oil pulling. Mouthwash will act as a vacuum when you swish it around in your mouth. It will pick up bacteria and cavity-causing debris in between teeth. Mouthwash will also act as medicine by cleaning bacteria out and medicating areas that can not easily be reached by a toothbrush.
Never Brush For Long Periods Of Time
In movies, they always show people brushing the same area again and again for a while, but this is terrible for your teeth. You should only brush/go over each section of teeth for a few seconds. Brushing each row on both the upper and lower teeth should take no more than two minutes. The reason for this is because brushing your teeth for too long can wear down the enamel, create sensitivity, and lead to thinning gums and teeth. Over brushing and brushing too frequently are some of the worst things that you can do to your teeth.
Our teeth are so important, and many of us make everyday mistakes when it comes to caring for them. There are also many misconceptions about how teeth work, which help create a world full of teeth and health problems. So every day, to ensure optimum health, spend a little time on your teeth; care for them closely and attentively so that you can extend how long they last, and have better mental and physical health.

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Feeling sick? Having skin or hair problems? Consult with Barbara Frank today to discover the many things that you are doing in your life that are making you sick and infecting you with parasites: Nematodes, fungi, flukes, mites, tapeworms, fleas, lice, and much more.



This consultation consists of sitting down with Barbara Frank by phone and discussing all your health concerns. Barbara Frank suggests natural protocols that have worked for others and sends you 4 products to get you started. This all comes with a consultation package. This consultation consists of 30 days of follow-up to get you on the right track towards better health and wellness.


Learn more about Barbara Frank, contact her via email ( to schedule a consultation, and read testimonials from her past and current clients on her website:

DL's Health & Beauty

Enter the realm of health, wellness, beauty, makeup, and fashion. The world is full of so many different forms of beauty. Every culture has its own unique beauty, but one thing that all of them have in common is that healthy is always beautiful. But health is not constant or instant in life. Health is part of the life journey that we are all on until our time is up.

We all have a unique health journey. My health journey started in college when I studied human health and disease at The University of The District of Columbia. Later, I studied health and psychology at The University of Maryland University College. After college, I continued following medical breakthroughs around the world, from India to the UK. I soon realized that there was so much health knowledge out there, but so few people had access to it. Thus, I turned to writing. My goal is to share valuable health breakthroughs with the world and connect health to beauty and multiculturalism; that is how this site came to life.

Wherever you are in your health and wellness journey, there is always more to learn and there is beauty to be found everywhere in various forms. So, let's walk this path together and discover fully what the realm of health and beauty has to offer!

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